Below you'll find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
If you have any additional questions please reach out to our friendly team.

We are bringing all of our solutions under one brand, and a new business name, “FMI Works”.  This includes FMI Works, Pulse (formerly called BEIMS) and Sapphire. See Solutions.

Zuuse Pty Ltd is now trading as “FMI Works”. There has been no change to the underlying legal entity.

Our new business name better reflects our focus on our core facilities management software and our commitment to investing in our cloud solution for the future.  It supports the aim to provide a comprehensive offering of software solutions to suit customers at any size and stage in their facilities management journey and a clear path to cloud technology that is aligned with their needs.

There has been no change to the underlying entity Zuuse Pty Ltd, or to the ownership of Zuuse Pty Ltd.  If you have a signed contract with Zuuse Pty Ltd you do not need to update this contract.

As Zuuse Pty Ltd is now trading under the business name “FMI Works”, you will start receiving invoices from FMI Works instead of Zuuse.  The invoices will reference the ABN of Zuuse Pty Ltd and there are no changes to payment details.

From a product perspective, we will continue to support Pulse for the foreseeable future, but our product roadmap will place a greater emphasis on cloud, ensuring that we can support our customers into the future.

Zuuse Pty Ltd is the owner of the FMI Works, Pulse, BEIMS and Zuuse products.

Zuuse Pty Ltd is now trading under the business name “FMI Works”.  The legal entity has not changed, which you can confirm by using the ABN look up for Zuuse Pty Ltd ABN 92 165 156 301.

No. There has been no change to the ownership of Zuuse Pty Ltd.

A new “FMI Works” business name has been registered for Zuuse Pty Ltd to better reflect our focus on our core facilities management software.

No.  The underlying legal entity has not changed.  You can confirm this by using the ABN look up for Zuuse Pty Ltd ABN 92 165 156 301.

Yes.  The FMI Works business incorporates all our facilities management software products, including BEIMS, Pulse and FMI Works.  BEIMS was renamed to Pulse in 2018. Supporting our Pulse customers remains an important part of our business, and we will continue to support the Pulse Facilities Management solution for the foreseeable future.

If you would like to know more about our full range of facility management software products please contact us.