Support services are provided by FMI Software Pty Ltd ABN 38 679 799 495 trading as FMI Works (‘FMI Works’).
Terms in this guide have the meanings given them in the FMI Works Master IT Supply Agreement and published on the FMI Works website.
Support Services Scope
FMI Works will provide support and assistance to the Customer for the following:
technical issue resolution relating to reproducible errors in the Software or SaaS reported to FMI Works, provided that:
the Customer is using the most up-to-date version of the Software or SaaS, and the Customer has implemented all Updates and Upgrades made available by FMI Works; and
no modifications have been made to the Software or SaaS without the prior written consent of FMI Works;
issue information;
product feature assistance;
corrections or modifications to the Software or SaaS, as they are made generally available by FMI Works; and
Updates and Upgrades, as they are made generally available by FMI Works, including updates to related FMI Works documentation,
(the Support Services).
The support services provided in relation to the activities at 2.1(a) (d) and (e) are only available in relation to the then current version of the Software or the SaaS.
The scope of the Support Services does not include:
(a) enhancements or customisations to the Software or SaaS;
(b) software development services;
(c) server migrations or new installations;
(d) end to end product feature training;
(e) the licensing or implementation of any new Software or SaaS modules; or
(f) any other professional services or other requests not covered in section 1.1.
The Customer may request the types of services listed at section 1.2, subject to a separately agreed Order.
The Support Services are available during Business Hours only, except for Priority1 Incidents, for which Support Services are available outside of Business Hours.
Business Hours means 8am to 5pm on Monday to Friday in Melbourne, Australia, excluding national public holidays gazetted in Australia.
Customer Responsibilities
The Customer must:
ensure that the Software and equipment is operated by trained Personnel who are familiar with the equipment, Software and any related FMI Works documentation(including any instruction manuals), and in accordance with the operational guidelines;
in order to effect expedient determination and resolution of a technical issue, do all things reasonably necessary to verify any alleged issue before logging a support request to FMI Works;
report technical issues to FMI Works as soon as reasonably possible in accordance with guidelines for logging a support ticket established by FMI Works and communicated to the Customer in writing from time to time, including (to the extent reasonably possible):
the nature of the issue
the cause of the issue;
the estimated Priority Level of the issue (see Priority Levels below);
the steps being taken to minimise the impact of the issue; and
whether the issue is caused by something outside of the Customer’s reasonable control.
Planned Outages - we provide 5 Business Days' notice of any planned outages, eg. software/system updates.
Unplanned Outages - we publish updates in our help centre, should an unplanned outage occur.
Logging a Support Ticket
The customer can request Support Services by contacting the Customer Support Team through the support channels published on the FMI Works website. FMI Works will allocate a unique identifier to each Request (a Ticket) and respond via the preferred channel.
Once the Customer has logged the Ticket, FMI Works will apply the Priority Level applicable to the Ticket.
Priority Levels
FMI Works will assess each Ticket and apply a Priority Level based on the table below.
All estimated response times and resolution times are calculated based on standard Business Days and Business Hours.
Notwithstanding that Support Services are provided during Business Hours only, FMI Works will use best endeavours to, where possible, respond and attempt to resolve any urgent issues outside of Business Hours.
FMI Works will generally prioritise and resolve Tickets in order of Priority Level in descending order.
Priority 1 - Urgent
Production systems are down and require immediate attention and a workaround is not available.
Any of the following has occurred:
The application has failed completely, data is not being processed or critical functionality is not continually available
A security vulnerability has/is being exploited, resulting in substantial monetary loss or data compromise
Target acknowledgment confirmation within 1 hour
Target resolution (full or work around within 24 hours)
Support team will continue to work on the issue until resolved
In the event of a data center outage, FMI Works is unable to directly affect the resolution time but will provide regular progress updates to the Customer
Priority 2 - High
A priority 3 problem exists but the work around is not practical in that the frequency of the activity and time to complete the workaround renders the use of the work around unreasonable.
Target acknowledgment confirmation within 1 hour
Target resolution within 5 business days
Support team continues to work on resolution during normal business hours
Priority 3 - Normal
Any of the following has occurred:
A problem exists that has a business impact but a work around is available
There is a suspected security vulnerability
Assistance with an upgrade to the Software is required and must be scheduled
There is a request for information about a product or feature
Target acknowledgment confirmation within 1 hour
Target resolution within 60 business days or a future release as determined by FMI Works
Priority 4 - Low
Any of the following have occurred:
Application is running but a problem exists that has minimal business impact
An enhancement request has been made by the Customer
Target acknowledgment confirmation within 1 hour
Target resolution is a future release as determined by FMI Works